
Understanding & Controling Strobe Lighting
is my first book for Amherst Media. This book distills my many years of teaching lighting into a manageable text. If you want to make photographs rather than just take pictures you will love this book. You can read the chapter on portraiture here. |
This is a privately printed book of my images. I have included images of the beach, buildings, beings and the beautiful, thus B Four. I offer this book as a chance to share my personal vision with friends and students. You can see a preview of the book and order a copy from Blurb. I really hope that you will enjoy these photographs. |

Photographing Architecture
is my second book for Amherst Media. It discusses lighting and post processing as well as the business of architectural photography. You will learn about equipment and self-promotion. You can see a couple of sample chapters that were in my blog here and here. |